Fleet Feet Sports Burbank – Another Running Shoe Store Choice for Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena and East Valley

I get an email and tweet from Colin, the owner, telling me about Media Day at Fleet Feet Sports Running Shoe Store in Burbank last Friday. By luck I was giving a ChiRunning® follow-up lesson in Griffith Park. Mark and I had just finished a great 6 mile run on the horse trails when I remembered Colin’s invitation. I was around the corner from this new store so I thought I would stop by.

The store is located at 1516 West Magnolia Blvd. The store is clean with a decent selection of shoes, socks, running clothes, gels, hydration systems, watches, orthotics, foam rollers, myofascial tools, running bras and they even had some yoga mats. I sure I forgot something in there but if you need it they likely have it. You can always call first 818-238-9522.


Since coming back from the running workshop in Boulder, I have new ideas on shoe fitting. So, I had Colin go over his process and fit me. He is knowledgeable and he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that’s going to force you into a shoe you might not want. Believe me it happens all the time. They want to get you into a shoe you are happy with and I liked their process.

Next we went over to the shoe wall and looked over the selection. If you have been reading this blog you know I prefer “Transitional” shoes (lower heel drop) to “Traditional” running shoes. The selection at Fleet Feet Sports in Burbank is a little thin on “Transitional” and “Minimal” shoes.

I was looking for a new trail shoe, something I might wear hiking up Mt Whitney in six weeks. I am still looking at the Brooks Cascadia but he had the Saucony Pergrine in stock and I have always been interested in that shoe. As we were talking, he told me about the Saucony Kinvara, trail edition. I own 3 pairs of Kinvaras so I asked him to order me a pair in size 12. Yes, they will special order shoes for you too. I choose the Trail Kinvaras because they are so lite (maybe not the best for Mt Whitney but for all my other trail running and races they should work great.

One thing Colin mentioned that caught my attention was their running bra fitting. I know it is very important for women runners, or so I’ve been told, but I haven’t seen signs helping women choose the right running bra in stores before. Maybe I just missed them but this sign was prominently displayed. Colin also told me they try to keep a female staff member in the store most of the time to help women runners. I am going in to shoot a video of the process. Maybe one day I will be a running bra expert too. I know, I have a tough job.

Fleet Feet Burbank also works on serving the local community with FREE  yoga classes, group run and they put on some cool, little, local pub runs. To check the current event schedule Click Here

It’s a newer store. They are growing and working around their customers needs. They are expanding in shoe selection with Newtons arriving next month. They have a professional staff.

As, runners we all need good, local running shoe stores. I always get my running shoes at running shoe stores rather than sporting goods stores. You need time to try the shoes on, run around, try a few different brands. Fleet Feet Sports in Burbank is another good choice in the So Cal area.

I am going to set up a FREE Running Clinic with Fleet Feet soon. I’ll  let you know when.

You can follow them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/FleetFeetSportsBurbank
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Newton Natural Coach

Running Workshop – What I Learned Will Help Your Marathon

What a great weekend.

I spent two 10 hour days with Dr Mark Cucuzzella, Jay Dicharry, Ian Adamson, Dr Sean Martin along with a bunch of PTs and a few running coaches. The information was fantastic. Just the info I needed to take me to the next level in my own training and really help all the runners I work with.

I spend a lot of time studying running, learning more about technique, exercises, drills, shoes and the list goes on. The presenters have incredible labs, research, patients, athletes, clients, running stores and lots of personal experience.

So what did I learn? Well the weekend was really more about drilling down on information I already knew and how to apply it correctly.

Lesson 1 – Form matters in everything. Nothing new here but a great reminder. As a Senior ChiRunning® Instructor I teach form. I feel like I am aware of posture and focus on good alignment. So we were doing the “Clamshell exercise” see the video below, and all these PTs and coaches were doing the exercise while Jay walked around the room noticing problems in our alignment. Just correcting a minor issue made a big difference. To me, it was just being lazy at the end of a long two days but isn’t that the same as the last 6 miles of a marathon or half marathon?

“How you do anything is how you do everything” -Coach Steve Ilg

Lesson 2 – Core and Feet. The two biggest influences on your running. Thank God for ChiRunning®. I have been working on this for the last 8 years. I have also worked with Lenny Parracino who taught me about mobility and stability. That means spending time doing drills. I just want to run but I have to do the drills. It’s ore than just body looseners and my four dynamic exercises. And the drills can be done anytime, not just before a run. Time to re-evaluate my training. It is not just about a strong core but also a mobile body. Are we able to use the best muscles for the job and is our body mobile enough to allow it? These two together help create power. As we get older how do we keep at our current level or improve in these areas? I learned a lot here.

Lesson 3 – Shoes – We were at the the Newton Running Lab in Boulder, Colorado. Even though the event was put on by Newton we talked about shoes without it being a sales pitch for Netwon. I was invited because I am a certified Newton Natural Running Coach and I do wear their shoes but I wear a lot of different shoes so I can review them. I like a lot of different brands.

Here’s the one thing I would recommend try a “Transitional” shoe (6 – 4 mm heel drop). With that being said, throw out the old paradigm that running stores use, arch type, stature and pronation to determine if you need a motion control, stability or neutral shoe. The research doesn’t prove it. I am going to talk to the stores I send people to and remember, what feels the best is probably the best for you.

Lesson 4 – More focus on training intensity. I’m pretty good with this. I wear a heart rate monitor most of the time. I understand developing an aerobic base and anaerobic training. Now I have to get my athletes to spend more time focusing on this.

Lesson 5 – Gait Analysis. We were taught and given gait analysis protocols and how to incorporate this into people’s training. Now I have to practice. It is a lot more than foot placement and which part of the foot hits the ground. The best way would to have Jay’s elaborate pressure plate treadmill but there are still great ways to help runners without it.

I could keep going but I now is the time to start putting it all to good use. I am going to develop some new training protocols for my athletes using this great information. And, I’ll be sharing a lot this information on my web sites. Keep coming back.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Head Coach Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs

Planning the Rest of the Year and Next Year’s Big Goal – 100k Trail Race

Bryce Canyon With races becoming so popular, some selling out in hours, you have to plan in advance.

First on the the list is climbing Mt Whitney in September. The next couple of months are focused on training for this hike. I’ve never been to Whitney before. I don’t know what 14,000+ is going to feel like so the training includes: Snow Valley Half Marathon, 16 mile hike to the top of San Gorgoino and Run to the Top of Mt Baldy race.

Second and Third are Marine Corps Marathon and ING New York City Marathon. My goal for these two races are back to back weekend sub 4-hour races. I have never done that before. It should be a good test because I think, depending on the conditions, NYC is a more difficult course. That means I have to go in strong enough that I can cruise to a 3:55 at MCM. And, 3:55 has never been a cruise for me for but very doable. Then have a good race in NYC

Topanga Turkey Trot – Thanksgiving Day, its a tradition and a beautiful trail race that sells out.

Santa Barbara Red Rock Trail Marathon – No goals, just happy to be doing another trail race.

Maybe throw an Olympic or sprint distance triathlon in there somewhere.

2014 The Big Goal – My first 100k?

I am looking at 100k races. I want to run in a beautiful place that I have never been before. That is why I am looking at the Bryce Canyon 100k. The 2014 date hasn’t been announced but last year it was in late May. Utah is stunning country and I have never been to Bryce Canyon. 100k is a long time on your feet. We’ll see.

There will be lots of races and training building up to that in early 2014 like the Boney Mt Trail Half, a must do race, Surf City and LA Marathon, but the focus will be getting ready for 100k, with a lot less support than I had at the American River 50 Miler.

How’s the rest of your year looking? Do you have any big goals that you need to start planning for now? The bottom line is that there are so many great races and goals to need to start planning now.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Head Coach Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs