Sole Runners LA Marathon Carbo-Loading and Spring / Summer Kick-off Party this Wednesday, March 5, 6 PM at Buono’s Pizza in Downtown Long Beach
Sole Runners LA Marathon Carbo-Loading and Spring / Summer Kick-off Party this Wednesday, March 5, 6 PM at Buono’s Pizza in Downtown Long Beach. That’s right, two parties in one, a carbo-loading for the LA Marathon and the Sole Runners Spring/Summer kick-off. This Wednesday, March 5, 6 PM at Buono’s Pizza in downtown Long Beach at 250 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 432-2211. All you can eat Italian buffet only $10.
This is not a Carbo-Loading Except for Maybe the Beer
Wednesday and Thursday before my races are days my carbo-loading days. There are a lot of information out there on carbo-loading and how to do it, and it is not just done the night before the event. Yes, I still eat a carbohydrate meal the night before a race but I start carbo-loading days before my race. The idea is that we top off our our glycogen stores through carbo-loading before the race. Of course, all your meals should have protein and fat in them too. This is not meant to be a detailed explanation of carbo-loading because true cabo-loading requires glycogen depletion and is a process. This is a party / tradition before a big race.
We are also having the Spring / Summer Sole Runners Kick-off Party that night. Come find out about the Sole Runners ChiRunning and Yoga Marathon / Half Marathon Training Programs. Ask questions and meet the coach, mentors and other Sole Runners.
We are having a Special LA Marathon Carbo-loading Lowest Sole Runners Spring/Summer Registration Price
Register between 2/28 and 3/9 and get the lowest Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs lowest price of the year.
* New Participant $165 normally $195
* Alumni (have been a Sole Runner or Beach Runner in the past)
$120 normally $145
There are 3 ways to register:
1. Send a check made out to: Tri This Coaching, 1600 Fremont Ave.,
South Pasadena, CA 91030
2. Come to our Carbo-load/Kick-off Party Wednesday, March 5, 6 PM
at Buono’s and pay in person
3. Pay through our secure web site ($5 credit card processing fee)
New Sole Runner On-line Registration $170 Click Here to Register
Alumni Sole Runner On-line Registration $125 Click Here to Register
Register for the Spring/Summer Season at the reduced price. If you have any questions call Coach Steve at (818) 414-9181.
Eat Focused, Steve Mackel
Sole Runners Kick-off Party Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 PM, at McKenna’s by the Bay in Long Beach
This Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 PM, at McKenna’s by the Bay, 190 North Marina Drive Long Beach, CA 90803 · (562) 342-9411
The Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs is the only training program that incorporates the ChiRunning® techniques and Yoga. Our system has helped thousands of runner successfully cross the finish line. We specialize in working with beginners and intermediate runners. We teach you how to run, then use yoga and other cross-training to help take stress off the body. Most of your questions can be answered in the FAQ section at
This Tuesday, come meet me, the Mentors and other Sole Runners. Enjoy a discounted menu and happy hour drink prices while you learn about the Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs. All your questions can be answered. Dr Michael Day will give a short presentation on “Pre-Hab” for runners. This evening starts at 6:30 PM and goes until just after 8 PM. Free parking and good information guaranteed. For immediate questions call Coach Steve at (818) 414-9181.
Prepare Focused, Steve Mackel – Sole Runners Full and Half Marathon Training Programs Head Coach
13.1 Los Angeles Half Marathon January 16, 2011
What a great, beautiful Sunday in Los Angeles. The stage was set for the 2nd annual 13.1 Los Angeles Half Marathon. It just doesn’t get any better than this in January. The race started at 7:13 AM. About 3,500 runners took on this race through the streets of Venice and West LA. The course is flat and fast. In this video I tried to show the on course entertainment, the cool people, fast runners and most of all the fun attitude of everyone involved.
Personally I didn’t set any personal records (PR’s) because I just wanted to have a good time, which I did. But, there were many PR’s set and smiles after the race. We followed the race a fantastic breakfast. I love racing, meeting new people and running with old friends.
The 13.1 is a series of 9 races across the Untied States over 2011. For more information on the 13.1 series go to
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Certified ChiRunning® Instructor
20 Questions to "Assess 2010 and Plan for 2011"
Dianne leads the Sole Runners in Newbury Park and runs annually in the Catalina Marathon. This photo taken from the Catalina Marathon 2009 Video
Thanks to Sole Runners Mentor Dianne for providing this list to “Assess 2010 and Plan for 2011”
1. Most valuable lesson from 2010?
2. How will you apply that lesson in 2011?
3. If you could go back to the beginning of 2010 and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
4. If the future you from the end of 2011 were to come back in time now to give you a piece of advice for next year, what would it be?
5. How will you apply the advice from questions 3 and 4 in 2011?
6. Who are the people who had the greatest impact on your life in 2010?
7. Who are the people YOU had the greatest impact on in 2010?
8. Who are the people you intend to have a powerful positive impact on in 2011?
9. What was your greatest experience in 2010?
10. What would you like your greatest experience in 2011 to be?
11. What unexpected gifts or blessings did you receive in 2010?
12. Where did you push your comfort zone in 2010?
13. Where will you push your comfort zone in 2011?
14. Top 3 achievements in 2010?
15. If you were to start a quest and change the world in some way in 2011, what would that look like?
16. What’s one of your greatest strengths and how will you use it in 2011?
17. What’s one of your most challenging weaknesses and how will you get help overcoming it in 2011?
18. Top 3 goals for 2011?
19. For each of your 2011 goals, what benchmark would you like to reach in the next month?
20. What structures will you put into place in 2011 to make sure you follow through on your plans and reach your benchmarks? Who will you ask for support from in 2011?
Train Focused, Steve Mackel, Certified Hypnotherapist
Trying to Take a Long Training Run Seriously – In the Heat
Click the “View Details” to Peruse the Data
You can peruse the charts and you’ll find a some interesting data. I turned the “Auto Pause” setting OFF on my Garmin. I understand why it’s cool feature but on Long Training Runs I like it off. How long do these long training runs really take and how do I feel? That’s what I want to know.
This run included: Changing shoes, long stops at our aid stations (I ate way too much out on the course yesterday), long red lights and even a quick dip in the Long Beach bay to cool my feet and legs before I finished.
Did I mention that it was hot. The hottest run of the year so far, and let’s keep it that way.
I went out fast and my left foot was starting to hurt from the new shoes I was wearing. It’s ok to wear new shoes on a long training run. I didn’t know how I would like them so I brought and second pair and left them in the car just in case. Our run doubled back at mile 10 and that gave me a chance for some Body Glide on my feet, a shoe change, bathroom stop, food and drink.
My next stop was almost 5 miles later, the Sole Runners aid station. Thanks to Colby, Spencer and Annie who were our support. It was stocked with great food and drinks. I had watermelon, boiled potatoes covered in salt, a small cup of Coke and topped off my water. I planned on being back there 7 miles later, hopefully about an hour.
Now the heat was setting in. I got lucky and there were multiple festivals along the Long Beach shoreline. Everyone was very generous, giving me ice cold water. Half went in me and the other half went over my head.
I was slowing down and fighting those ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). I made to the Queen Mary one last time this season. I touched her and was back in the heat.
I had planned on doing this run under 4 hours and now it wasn’t looking like I was going to make my goal. I had two more miles to the aid station. Any excuse was good enough to slow down and walk. Shade became an excuse.
When I got back to the aid station I had logged over 21 miles and part of me wanted to help them pack it up and take a ride back to the park. I resisted that temptation and was back on the bike path. I had one more good mile but I had eaten too much and my stomach was not digesting the food very well. I decided that the ocean looked too good to pass up and I was going in.
At almost the 4 hour mark, my goal shot, I was in the perfect place to take off everything except my running shorts and walk into the ocean, so I did. Still on the clock, I stood there in waist deep water, it felt great. Just a couple of minutes thenI rinsed my feet and finished the last mile and a half.
I could have gone the entire 26.2 but at that point I wouldn’t have gained anything. In fact, I could have injured myself. My foot was rebelling against the first pair of shoes, my stomach was done and I was too. Still with all that I ran 25.2 miles in 4:17 and learned a lot (again). It was a good rehearsal in tough conditions. You never know what conditions you will get race so I am prepared now. See you at the Long Beach Half Marathon, Athens, Greece – I am ready for you.
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Head Coach Sole Runners
A Running Dialogue – The Sole Runners Mentors Newsletter Issue 2
Click here to open the pdf file of: A Running Dialogue – The Sole Runners Mentors Newsletter Issue 2
LA Marathon 2010 Part 2
Part 2 is my experience after working 2.75 hours at the Sole Runners Holistic Aid Station at mile 18. Coach Gary tells why he had such a great time helping other marathoners and I run in with the back of the pack. I have never finished at the 7+ hour mark before. i meet a lot a great people and learned a lot. There are interesting stories. Watch and see why this race and the the new course attracted so many runners that gave it their all to cross the finish line.
Race Focused, Steve Mackel – RRCA Marathon Coach
Chinatown's Friecracker 10K, Year of the Tiger 2-28-10
Another great day in So Cal and another great race!
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Co-founder
Trail Running with the Sole Runners
What an unbelievable weekend in So Cal.
i am looking forward to a fantastic 2010. Join us
Sole Runners
Train Focused, Coach Steve, Sole Runner Head Coach
Marine Corps Marathon 2009 Runumentry
What a great marathon! It is a must on your marathon lists. Why?
1.) Marines – They are like super volunteers and when their name is on the race nothing falls through the cracks.
2.) The Runners – I think there was something like 37,000 of us. Yeah it was crowded but I was in the 4:00:00 group and that was the pace the people around me were running. I didn’t have to fight too hard to work my way through runners.
3.) The Cheering Crowd – Unbelievable! It was packed. They cheered loud, for every runner and really kept my spirits up.
4.) Organization – After 34 of these, they know what they are doing!
5.) The Sites – You get to run past some of the greatest sites in America, in the fall, the leaves are turning colors and it was beautiful.
It is one of the best marathons in the country. Enough said.
Race Focused, Steve Mackel – ChiRunning® Instructor