Barefoot Running – Where ChiRunning® Begins

This video is awesome and supports what Coach Gary and I have been preaching for 5 years, ChiRunning®. A mid-foot strike running paradigm that gives you the sense and common sense of what it is like to run barefooted.

You don’t have

to believe me listen and read some of our testimonials

If you can’t watch Listen to the NPR story

And if you want to read Danny Dreyer’s take on this Read his article

This is just the beginning of the revolution and I will be talking a lot more about it too.

If you want to learn how to reduce running injuries by using the ChiRunning® techniques take a One-Day Workshop or a private lesson from Email Coach Steve or Email Coach Gary.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – ChiRunning®/ChiWalking® Instructor

Finding the Proper Running Shoe Fit

I stopped by Road Runners Sports in Torrance and met with store manager and fit specialists Teresa to talk about running shoe fit.

There are lots of things to consider when you are purchasing running shoes and the first thing I think about is the return policy. When a store stands behind their fit then they are invested in doing it right and getting you into a shoe you’ll like.

Most “Running Stores” have a return policy. I like Road Runner Sports because they have a 60 day return policy.

Remember when getting running shoes it is usually best to get your shoes from a “Running Store” because their job is to take good care of you. Some of my other favorite stores in So Cal are A Snail’s Pace, Run With Us, Runner’s High.

Fit Focused, Coach Steve

Juicing and Smoothie 101 – A Raw Meal That Will Help You Run Better

I took you vegetable shopping back in the episode below and now I show you, in my small kitchen, the juicing and

smoothie process from the machines to the final product. It is a way to eat RAW!

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Wannabe Raw Foodie

Smoothie Shopping with Coach Steve


Strength and Balance Training for Speed with ChiRunning® Coach Ryan Miller



ChiRunning® Coach Ryan Miller out of Boston runs a 5k in 15 minutes and change, that's fast, you do the math. With ChiRunning® and a stability disc, he has taken time off his old PR. He demonstrates some exercises and talks about secrets that help him pass his


Check out Ryan Miller web site:

Balance and Focus, Coach Steve, CPT


Inspirational Marathoning Video – I Hope This is Me One Day

nasal polyps cure

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Wow! You gotta move to keep moving, just watch this video!

Sent to me

by Sole Runner Mentor Dianne

Train Focus, Coach Steve Mackel


Trail Running with the Sole Runners

What an unbelievable weekend in So Cal.

i am looking forward to a fantastic 2010. Join us

Sole Runners

Train Focused, Coach Steve, Sole Runner Head Coach
