Coach Steve’s Fitness Tour de France Challenge – July 5 – July 27, 2014 – Train Everyday the Tour Rides a Stage

Coach Steve’s Tour de France Fitness Challenge 2014

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It that time of of year again, the three weeks of the Tour de France, the world’s greatest cycling/endurance event.

In honor of what the riders attempt to accomplish, we have created a Challenge for cycling enthusiast

Here’s the Fitness Challenge

  1. Ride your bike everyday the Tour de France rides a stage (there are 21 stages in 23 days).
  2. Take an Indoor Cycling class everyday the Tour de France rides a stage
  3. Do either of the above everyday the Tour de France rides a stage
    or the 50k option
  4. Ride your bike at least 50k everyday the Tour de France rides a stage

If you choose option #4 you will ride 1050k (652 miles) over the 23 days.

Here’s some facts from the Tour de France:

  • Running from Saturday July 5th to Sunday July 27th 2014, the 101th Tour de France will be made up of 21 stages and will cover a total distance of 3,664 kilometres (2277 miles).
  • The course has 9 flat stages, 5 hill stages, 6 mountain stages with 5 altitude finishes, 1 individual time trial stage, 2 rest days
  • The Tour will go through 4 countries this year

My good friend Andy posted a daily stage description:

July 5     Stage 1                  Sprinter               mostly Flat, 3 tough little hills
July 6     Stage 2                 Sprinter                Flat
July 7     Stage 3                 Sprinter                Flat
July 8     Stage 4                 Sprinter                Flat
July 9     Stage 5                 Sprinter                Flat, “pave” oh yes, cobblestones
July 10   Stage 6                All-Arounder      Flat, 2nd half lump rollers
July 11   Stage 7                 All-Arounder       Flat, hills just before finish
July 12   Stage 8                 Climber                Rolling uphill with finishing climb.  Cat’s 2, 2 & 3 hills.
July 13   Stage 9                 Climber                Hills ! Cat’s 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 & 3.
July 14   Stage 10               Climber                Hills with a finishing climb. Cat’s 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1.
July 15                   REST DAY !!!
July 16   Stage 11               All-Arounder       Hills in the 2nd half. Cat’s 3, 3, 4, & 3.
July 17   Stage 12               All-Arounder       Hilly.  Cat’s 4, 3, 3, & 4.
July 18   Stage 13               Climber                Hill will a finishing climb. Cat’s 3, 1, with HC Finish.
July 19   Stage 14               Climber                Hill will a finishing climb. Cat’s 1, HC & 1 Finish.
July 20   Stage 15               Sprinter               Flat
July 21                   REST DAY !!!
July 22   Stage 16               Climber                Pyrenees. Hills. Cat’s 4, 4, 2, 3, with HC Finish.
July 23   Stage 17               Climber                Hills ! Cat’s 1, 1, 1, with HC Finish.
July 24   Stage 18               Climber                BIG DAY! The Tourmalet. Hautacom Finish. Cat’s 3, 3, HC with HC Finish.
July 25   Stage 19               Sprinters              Flat
July 26   Stage 20              Time Trail           Some fun rollers.  1 good little climb.
July 27   Stage 21               Sprinters              Flat run into Paris !

I will be posting my rides everyday here on or on my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages. My friend Ken created a Strava group to post your rides Click Here to Join Our Strava Group.

I will also offer opportunities for people to ride with with others going for this challenge. Look for those here and Facebook.

I hope you choose to take this Tour de France 2014 Challenge. Any questions feel free to contact me:

Watch the Tour de France

Ride Focused, Steve Mackel – Cycling Coach


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