Run to Vote Tuesday

Here’s a fantastic idea that kills two birds with one stone, and it helps you perform your civic duty. That’s right, your civic duty. We can’t look at voting as a privilege even though it is that as well. It is our duty.

We can’t shrug our shoulders and say, “What does one vote mean,” your vote means a lot. It means that we have a chance to really voice our opinions, not the opinions of the percentage of people that vote. Don’t think that, “The system is broke and no one cares what I think.” Only we can help fix the system. Or think, “Voting is a hassle.”

So here’s what I propose, run to you polling place, VOTE, run some more then run home. You just took care of two things you needed to do next Tuesday. You also made a difference by running. And maybe we can inspire this to become a movement in November. Just think we could help influence at least a few people to vote just because they like to run.

Remember, VOTING is your duty. “Just do it” and watch Nike rip this idea off me.

VOTE Focused, Steve Mackel – Registered Voter


2 Responses to “Run to Vote Tuesday”

  1. coach ilg on February 5th, 2008

    ilg loves his Shishya NWSM…

  2. coach ilg on February 5th, 2008

    Mackel For President