Other Fun Free Events – Incendio at Levitt Pavilion Saturday Night, July 12, in Pasadena
Not to be missed – Free Incendio Concert at the Levitt Pavilion in Pasadena at 8 PM. Incendio is an acclaimed world-guitar-fusion trio. I’ve seen them and they are incredible. So you can look for me there Saturday night and join my party. Levitt Pavilion is in the park on the corner of Walnut and Raymond.
For a sample check out their web site at: Listen to a sample of Incendio’s music.
Ok, it is not running but I’ll always plug cool free events like my Thursday night Trail Run and “Yoga for Runners” at the SE end of parking lot I on the grass starting at 6:30 PM for the run and yoga at 7:15 PM. Come for both or either, it is your choice.
This show is outdoors and you’ll probably be sitting on grass. You probably need to sneak in some wine, or there is a wine bar across the street but blankets and picnic are perfect for this beautiful outdoor setting.
Listen Focused, Steve Mackel – Bassist