Laughter, the Best Medicine

If you know Gary and I you know we don’t take too much all that seriously. We pulled this article off a great new health awareness site, When you read below you learn another secret of our running success. Laugh while you run.
Steve and Pete
Steve and Member Pete, Laugh It Up

Growing up, the Readers’ Digest was a common publication in our house. I remember reading the “Laughter” section religiously. It did always get a smile or a chuckle out of me. So, 40 years later, there has been more discussion and study about the good health impacts of “laughter”….the health of the things we do for fun, happiness, joy, and laughter. I am not sure when Readers’ Digest added this most popular feature of the magazine, but it is not an old concept. I found another article by the same title published in 1908 in The Washington Post.

So, for a concept that has we have been talking about for a century, why does it seem that we don’t take this “funny” health source seriously. Well, please read on and consider adding a dose to your daily routine. With all of this history, and a bit more recent scientific evidence, we felt compelled to give some airtime to “fun” as our seventh key to life-long health. TO READ MORE CLICK HERE

Laugh Focused – Steve Mackel, CHt


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