Beach Runners Training Program Video

This video was taken last Saturday as we just started our Spring/Summer Training session. Please click the play button and watch it. Now is the time to join! Learn how to join the program

Just email me and ask me any questions.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel Beach Runners Head Coach


4 Responses to “Beach Runners Training Program Video”

  1. Mindy on May 30th, 2008

    Hi Steve,

    I’m a total newbie and I am having so much fun with Beach Runners. Last Saturday your mentor Bob ran up along side of me. We completed the last 20 minutes of the run together. He made form corrections that made so much sense and we picked up the pace. The faster pace with better form was easier than the first half of my run. Chi Running is amazing!


  2. Marta on June 16th, 2008


    I too am new to Beach Runners, although I have been running for 2 years. I came into the program a couple weeks ago thinking that the only way I could run distance is to continue with my walk/run program. When one of the mentors ran beside me and said, “Don’t walk, just slow should be able to talk or you’re running too fast…”, I thought, I don’t want to talk, I want to focus. The mentor politely talked to me about form and asked me if I could feel the gravity helping me. I did feel it! I stopped walking and ran my best time in a long time. The icing on the cake is that I couldn’t believe I just ran 7 miles and wasn’t out of breath at all!! I never felt better physically and mentally and I can’t wait to run distance again this Saturday. It is also the first time I ran for 90 minutes without using my iPod. After 2+ years of searching for my identity as a runner, I have found my home with Beach Runners!

  3. Jennifer Wallace on July 22nd, 2008


    I was on the LB Marathon site and saw the Beach Runners info…I’ve been running for over two years and completed one marathon and two half marathons….I would like to get motivated to do the full this Oct and I’ve always wanted to join a runners group….is it too late to join? Do you know of a group in HB? Thanks!

  4. hugo on October 1st, 2008

    How can I prepare my self in my way of eating before the marathon to get enough energy during the half marathon that I will be running this october. I have less than two weeks.