America’s Fattest Cities

The average American had purchased fast food 16 days of the month between January and September of this year, according to Quick-Track research conducted by the consumer tracking group Sandelman & Associates. Thirteen cities on our list, including Memphis, Austin, Texas, and Indianapolis, met the national average or higher. Residents of San Antonio eat fast food 20 days of the month, and had the highest frequency of the cities on our list.

America’s Most Obese Cities – Yahoo! Real Estate

Interestingly enough, this study did not mention that fast food consumption is a major factor leading to obesity.

Wait a second…

You eat In and Out 16 times a month and it doesn’t make you fat?

If you want to see what Fast Food really does to your body just rent out the movie SuperSize This, where a guy eats nothing but McDonalds for a month.

In one week he gains like 10 pounds!!!!! In two weeks 17 pounds. By the third week, his doctor tells him his liver is turning to pate due to the excess sugar and fat in his diet. He loses his libido, has no energy, and skin problems pop up like teenage zits.

Well Long Beach and San Pedro skipped the fattest list.

But San Bernadino/Riverside did not. They are now the fourth fattest city in America with 30% obesity amongst adults. Interestingly enough 30% also said they do not exercise at all during the week. Simple correlation if you ask me.

Overall this obesity crisis is costing America $93 billion a year in medical costs. 112,000 people die from obesity every year.

Kids are starting to emulate their parents. If you saw the size of urban junior high school kids nowadays you’d freak out.

Yeah. I’m going to keep on writing on this topic. I’m not going to watch America kill itself through the sloth of a leather couch, HDTV, and fast food.

I’ll make a difference.

And each and every one of you that puts on some running shoes and gets out the house to walk, jog, run, chirun, do intervals, a tempo run, or even better…

train for a marathon or half marathon is setting an example for your whole community to notice.

God Bless you everyone for making running a part of your lives.


btw In and Out in Carson has now expanded their drive thru to two lanes.

That’ll help.


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