Join My Birthday Workout – Tuesday, April 29

Steve Mackel Yoga
Come Practice Yoga and Run With Me on My Birthday Tuesday night

Ok, I am turning 46 Tuesday, April 29 and I figured what could be a better way than to celebrate with a workout included. The running and biking may be canceled due to the air quality because of the Chantry Flats fire. If so we can talk and start yoga a little earlier. Worst case show up for a beer after 8 PM.

Here’s the schedule: Meet at Lululemon Pasadena
6:30 PM Run or bike
7:15 PM Return to Lululemon Pasadena
7:20 PM Yoga for Runners
8:00 PM Finish and head off to Crown City Brewery
8:15 PM Drink a few beers with friends

Show up for some or show up for all of it. No gifts please.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel “Yoga for Runners” teacher


2 Responses to “Join My Birthday Workout – Tuesday, April 29”

  1. Ron Mejia on April 29th, 2008

    Happy birthday!!!!
    Drink a beer for me 😀

  2. Bernice on April 30th, 2008

    Great birthday workout, Steve! The run was fantastic, the yoga was powerful, the Lululemon cake was yummy, and the beer was THE BEST!

    Good luck on the Wild Flower Triathlon. We will keep you in our thoughts this weekend 🙂