Yoga for Runners – Urban Yogis

Savasana – Final Resting Pose

The class is getting bigger. Two weeks ago we had 25 people practicing urban yoga. What’s urban yoga? It is yoga on the back porch of the Lululemon store in Old Town Pasadena. Urban yoga has no heaters, no roofs, no fancy wood floors, you hear horns honking, tires squealing, people wondering what we are doing, no doors, no windows, just some yoga in/on the concrete jungle. Hey, that’s the real LA.

The really cool thing about urban yoga is that it challenges your practice. Can you zone in on your breath and body, or does all the hustle and bustle cause you to lose your focus?

I integrate yoga poses with running form principles. We work on developing balance, strength and flexibility. Since most runners are new yogis or wonder what yoga really is, we flow through basic poses but trust that it is challenging. Runners need to be tested.

Class starts at 6:30 and is one hour long. Dress in layers to stay warm. Meet us on the back porch of the Lululemon store in Pasadena. Namaste.


Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Urban Yogi


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