Cross Training – Post T-Day Long Ride
The “A” Group Poses for a Picture at the Anaheim Amtrak Station
Another Andyland event, the annual post Thanksgiving Day ride from Anaheim to Solana Beach. The ride was 82 inspired miles.
I heard someone say there were 38 of us by the time we made it down to Solana Beach. Some people started at the Anaheim Station. There was a “B” group. People started at other stops along the way. Saturday was one of the most beautiful days of the year. It was perfect riding/running weather.
Our Ride Included a Ferry Boat Crossing in Balboa
I recommend that runners ride bicycles. Why?
Because you can work your body in many similar ways with less impact. Your cadences on your bike and running can be very similar teaching you quick turnover when you run. Cycling is a fantastic cardio-respiratory workout. And, I always schedule cross training weekly into every training program I coach. It forces your body to adapt differently and can help alleviate burnout.
Saturday’s top performance went to Reese. She pulled the boys for miles on end and dropped me in Camp Pendleton. By the end of the ride, I was hanging on for dear life. Thanks to Tri Centric Training coach Brandon Heflin for giving me a wheel when I needed it most.
Cycling groups also build fun friendships. Thank you Andy. Let me know if you ever want to join us. Another great Thanksgiving Day training weekend, time to watch some pro football.
Ride Focused, Steve Mackel – USA Cycling Coach
Andy, Reese and Bruce Enjoying a Train Ride Home