More Chi Please
Swimming in a North Carolina River, Steve, Bryan and Gary renew their chi
Dateline – Friday, August 18, 2007, Asheville, NC – Gary and I met up with Baltimore ChiRunning® Instructor Bryan Hantman for the first ever ChiRunning® Instructor meeting. Danny Dreyer, ChiRunning® Founder is reviewing our form and giving us all sorts of new secrets and tips that help improve your ChiRunning® practice. If you are new to ChiRunning® our workshops will be better than ever and perfect for all levels, from beginner to advanced.
Quick things that I have to work on is my head position and I have a little too much shoulder rotation. Gary is going to be working on improving his hip rotation. Sunday is a trail running overview. We’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Don’t miss out on this new information and sign up for our next all day ChiRunning® Yoga Trail Running Retreat, Sunday, September 9, in Palos Verdes to register CLICK HERE.
More later and the swimming holes are great. We don’t get too many in So Cal.
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Certified ChiRunning® Instructor