Super Bowl Kick-off Trail Run

Just a little creek crossing

L-R back row – Wayne, Janice, Paul, Hugo, Kelly front row – Gary and Laura photo by Steve

Another Sunday, another Group Trail Run. Ok, maybe it sounds like we are going to do these every weekend, sorry we aren’t. We do promise at least one group run a month and look for two.

Super Bowl Sunday was a beautiful day in Pasadena. Eight people showed up for this run. We started together and took the picture above about a half mile in. Then five of us picked up the pace. Gary and Hugo kept is strong while Wayne, Paul and I stayed on their heels. Thankfully, I’m faster going uphill. Wayne turned back early, he had to be back by 10 and Paul fell back just a bit. We ran to the new bridge and took the picture below. A couple of minutes after we took the picture Paul showed up. I figure it was a little over 4 miles in when we flipped it. Then the downhill frenzy started.

Hugo has a 3:11:00 marathon in his record books and it wasn’t long before Gary and Hugo were out of my site. Those guys we really pushing each other. I’m training for the Wild Flower half ironman so I kept it at my race pace, running solo at this point. Hugo and Gary were taking a break and getting a drink at the baseball field when I finally caught them. They ran the last mile in with me. My run with a couple picture breaks was around 1:40:00. Another great day. Remember, if you don’t play, you can’t win. Join us next time.

My plan for our next run is Sunday, Feb. 26, the “Break Through the Wall” run. When we break through the “wall” on the LA Marathon course. It is always good to know the last six miles of your next marathon course and for anyone running LA this March, here’s your chance. We will start in downtown LA, take the subway and get as close to mile 19 or 20 as possible, then run back to Downtown.

Next weekend I’ll be in Palm Springs riding in a Century Ride which is like a marathon for cyclists. I’ll write a report about it.

Train Focused,

Steve Mackel

Gary, Hugo & Steve at New Bridge

Laura, going up!


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