Steve’s Coaching, ChiRunning® and the Beach Runners in a Feature Article in Outside Magazine

Check Out the Full Page Article on Steve’s Coaching, ChiRunning® and the Beach Runners, Page 68

That’s right, the nationally renown Outside Magazine has a full page article on Steve’s Coaching, ChiRunning® and the Beach Runners. Written by the “Lab Rat” Nick Heil the article gives is account of training with the Beach Runners last January.

Before I go any farther, thank you Larry Rosenwinkel, new ChiRunning® Instructor – in training – for getting this started. He just finished the ChiRunning® Instructor training in Dublin last week and is going to be an awesome ChiRunning® Instructor.

It was a beautiful day on the So Cal Coast, with perfect 360-degree views of my favorite city, Los Angeles and all it has to offer.

When Nick was planning this trip he informed me he was coming out, he was a little worried about keeping up and going for 2+ hours. To be honest I was too. I was coming of my herniated disc injury and my left leg and foot were still not at full strength and numb. I want Nick to get the whole Beach Runner and ChiRunning® experience and tried not to let my nervousness and lack of training show. I was nervous because it had been 4 months since I had run that far and not knowing how my back would handle it.

I started out the way I always do, teaching the ChiRunning posture from chapter 4 in the book. Nick is a good athlete and caught on quickly. We started out heading for the hills of Palos Verdes. These trails are tough and perfect training for any marathon or endurance run.

When go on the trail and a group of us stayed together as everyone listened to my ChiRunning® tips. We were going at a good clip. Then it was time to turn around, downhill, this is ChiRunners shine.

The group split up. I took it slow to protect my back. Nick and I ran the last 6 miles in together and continued to work on his form. He got the feeling and that’s what we try to teach. It is really all about learning the feeling.

Once at the park I lead a fun flow yoga class under big tree on the San Pedro cliffs. We finished and some of us went to breakfast. What a great way to start a Saturday. Nick and I said good-bye and I wished him luck in his upcoming race, the Mt. Taylor Quadathlon in New Mexico.

He did an excellent job explaining ChiRunning® in his article. It is worth the read and Outside magazine is offers great information that excites and motivates people like Gary and I. Look for the article on page 68 of the new July 07, issue of Outside Magazine, on newsstands now.

The Beach Runners Enjoying Some Breakfast With Outside Magazine Writer Nick Heil (center in blue)

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Certified ChiRunning/ChiWalking® Instructor


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