Tuesday Track Workout 1-24-06

In only three weeks, the track workout is getting stronger and with many new faces. Last night, Tuesday, we had 15 people running 400s. It was the first track workout for some while others were there for the quality training. It was an awesome January night, perfect running weather and the second week we had lights on at the track.

Just practicing some simple ChiRunning® techinques, many people’s lap times lowered. The ChiRunners that have taken a ChiRunning® workshop with Gary and I, really looked good. At the same time, ChiRunner, Robert forgot his metronome and noticed the difference.

I was running laps at different cadences. I started out at 184 SPM (strides per Minute) with longer strides and worked up 190. What do you think happened? Well since we were maxing our heart rates, my times stayed fairly consistent. My stride shortened slightly as I got up to 190. The best news for me and many of us was last night’s laps were faster than the first weeks. And Rachel told me beside the workout she loves the stretching routine I take us through afterwards. Thanks Rachel!

Join us next week, (more info) and I have a good feeling they’ll “leave the lights on for you”

Don’t forget the group Trail Run, Sunday in PV.

Train Focused,



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