Last Thoughts Before the Big Day

Happy and Hungry After Finishing Wildflower Long Course Last May, Ready To Go Ultra

As I sit here at 11:30 PM, Saturday, May 10, I am mentally preparing for my first ultra-marathon, a 33 mile trail run with 7,000 ft of elevation gain, up and down around Big Bear between 6,000 ft. and 8,300 ft.

I am working on shaking the uneasiness. I am not prepared physically for this. My longest run before tomorrow was the Catalina Marathon back in March. Since then my longest is 13.2, the half marathon at the Wildflower half ironman. So, we’ll see how it goes and a real test of my personal training, MaraYoga, Wholistic Fitness® and ChiRunning®

Racing Focused, Steve Mackel ChiRunning/ChiWalking® Instructor


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