Sample Vol 3 of Optimal Performance Athlete: Mastering the Mental Side of Running

Dear Runners,

This week we would like to give you more of our Optimal Performance Athlete program to sample.

We’ve had great feedback about this program the last two weeks. Runners told us they’ve learned a lot about eating a “living diet”, antioxidants, and developing a “winning mindset”.

Volume Three really goes into some the mental changes you should make to optimize your performance and health. It’s kinda of some deep stuff in this volume, but really cool, and very useful for you as a runner.


In this episode of Optimal Performance Athlete, Gary Null Ph.D explains the importance of antioxidants for marathon training and the importance of detoxifying.

In this episode you’ll learn:

* How your body releases toxins when you’re running and how to detoxify

* The pro’s and con’s of caffeine for marathon runners

* When you should take green and red juices during your training

* The actual health benefits of Red Wine

* How much calories you should be eating before your runs


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In this episode of Optimal Performance Athlete, Luanne Pennesi RN/MS explores the deep mentality of self empowered people, and how to balance a healthy living with your run training.

You’ll learn:

* The difference between distractions and focusing

* How to defeat the rationalizations and excuses that prevent you from eating healthily

* Two higher energetic sources that can give you limitless energy and how to connect to these energies

* How to make any decision that will provide you the most joy


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Again, this is from Volume Three of our Optimal Performance Athlete program, a five part holistic nutrition program for runners.

For the next three weeks we are offering the program at a very special price of only $2.99 a volume.

You can download the program from CDBaby, put it on your ipod or iphone and listen to it at your convenience.


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