First Annual Thanksgiving Weekend Warrior Awards

Thanksgiving weekend provides a great opportunity to race and train. Years ago Coach Steve Ilg started a contest/workouts, “Earn the Bird” on Wednesday night and/or Thursday morning and on Friday we would “Burn the Bird.” I’ve spent every year since carrying on this tradition.

Wednesday evening I taught a Spinning and Yoga class, Thursday morning I was at Mark’s yoga class at Mission Street Yoga “Earning My Bird.” On Friday, I “Burned the Bird” with an 80 mile bike ride from Anaheim to Solana Beach. Saturday, I ran over 9 miles with the Sole Runners but I took Sunday off. Overall a pretty good training weekend. is starting an annual “Thanksgiving Weekend Warrior Award.” This year we are giving award to 2 people that stepped beyond their normal limits and took this weekend to another level, Carlos and Dave.

Steve, Mentor Mirella and Carlos in Long Beach after the Sole Runners Training

Carlos is a cyclist but new to running and just joined the Sole Runners 6 weeks ago. On Thursday he ran 10 miles, rode 100 miles on Friday, ran over 9 miles on Saturday, then rode another 60 miles on Sunday. That is good enough to win this award any 4 day weekend. Congratulations Carlos and great job.

Dave at the Top of Mt. Baldy Earlier This Year

Dave took my Spinning and Yoga class on Wednesday, ran a 10k and PR’d it on Thursday morning, rode 80 miles with our group in Friday, and ran 8 miles on Sunday in the freezing cold Pasadena morning. Dave has really stepped it up this year. I remember my first 80 miles ride, it was hard. Dave seemed fresher than me when he arrived at Pizza Port. And, anytime you PR in a Thanksgiving day race, gives you a chance to podium here at

Besides Carlos and Dave many other people stepped up this weekend. Thanksgiving is one of those rare 4 day weekends where we can do it all in So Cal. Post your weekend workouts in the comments section below and join the contest next year.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Co-Founder


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