Got ‘er Done – Ran 37 Miles in 37 Hours
I can’t download my Garmin until Monday but I averaged 9:14 min/miles in my 16 mile run today. But that’s because I took a long walk break. I wanted a sub 2 hour half (13.1) and had a 1:57 with some slowing down to run with Sole Runners. At mile 10.5 Matt went flying past me. I ran with Alex mile for a half mile until he dropped me. I finished running in with Weitze while he was pushing a 8:00 min/miles pace on me in the last two miles.
I ran 33 of 37 miles in 27 hours and it was a great test for my legs. Work to do but feeling good about it.
Train Focused, Steve Mackel Sole Runners Head Coach