Inspiration, PRs and the Importance of Running

Jon Blais “Blazeman” was the first ALS patient to complete an Ironman race. “This is where you’ll win the battle… in the playhouse of your mind.” In Strength and Honor – Blazeman

Hopefully you read about Jesus and how he took almost a minute a mile off his old marathon PR (personal record) scroll down. Since then I have received many more emails from members that smashed PR over the last two weekends, all of them using the ChiRunning® techniques and Marayoga mindset that Gary and I coach.

Last Saturday, the Ironman world championship race was broadcasted. There were some very inspirational stories shown and watching Chirs McCormack chasing down Normann Stadler during the marathon portion of the race, and coming up just short was amazing. I feel that triathlons are won and lost on the run and I can personally attest to this. I came in second by 1 second this year in one of my triathlons. I couldn’t hold off my competitor in the run. You still have to be strong on the bike and in the water but the run usually separates the men from the boys. Stadler was strong enough to hold on to a 10-minute lead off the bike but barley. Stadler and Michellie Jones, the women’s new world champion, both had their best runs ever.

The one story I am going to touch upon is the story of guys named Brian Breen and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) patient Jon Blais, the “Blazeman”. Jon was diagnosed with ALS the previous year and completed the Hawaii Ironman in 2005. He literally rolled his entire body across the finish line. Now, he is confined to a wheelchair. Brian trained for his first Ironman in the spirit and honor of John. They both went into this to raise the awareness of this horrible disease. When they asked Brian if there was any chance of him quitting during this race, and many people have to, he said, “There is no chance, they would have to drag me off the course unconscious.” He ran on emotion and passion. Over the months of training Brian and John became close friends. Brain made it to the finish line, laid down rolled across it and met John and his family with hugs and tears.

So be inspired to run, run fast every once in a while and run for others by remembering just how good you have it to be on two feet on the top side of the pavement. is going to make a donation to the Blazeman’s charity. Please visit his web site and consider supporting his efforts too. Donate Now

To visit the Blazeman’s web site Click Here

And another good story on Jon is posted here: Click Here

Train Focused and Inspired, Steve Mackel – Co-Founder, Certified ChiRunning Instructor


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