Juicing and Smoothie 101 – A Raw Meal That Will Help You Run Better

I took you vegetable shopping back in the episode below and now I show you, in my small kitchen, the juicing and

smoothie process from the machines to the final product. It is a way to eat RAW!

Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Wannabe Raw Foodie


3 Responses to “Juicing and Smoothie 101 – A Raw Meal That Will Help You Run Better”

  1. Jackie on January 25th, 2010

    Hi Steve,

    Just wondering, couldn’t you have blended all those yummy veggies right in the VitaMix (w/out the need to juice them)? The demo I got before buying my VitaMix said this thing is powerful enough to juice the seeds on strawberries…so just wondering why you juiced before blending.

    ~ Jackie

  2. Steve on January 25th, 2010


    I used to do it that way yet what I have found, especially with all the greens I use, it gets way too thick even when I use lots of coconut water and pristine water. It also seems like I get a more potent green juice when I juice some of the greens and fruits first. With that said, my Vita-Mix will blend everything and I love it.

    Coach Steve

  3. Running On Juice on September 30th, 2011


    Juicing is so much better for you than nuking everything in the vitamix.

    Dont get me wrong I have a Blendtec and I use it to blend with but only on low speeds and after I have juiced my greens and most fruit. You get more bang for your buck, not just for your money but in terms of more nutrients.

    Great video Steve.