Wanna Be A Better Runner – Cross Train

On the Way Down to Solana Beach, We Took a Quick Break on the Balboa Ferry

This weekend was a fantastic training weekend. You read about “Burn the Bird” and the Run for the Hungry 5k, now the LSD (Long Slow Distance) workout was needed.

Saturday’s are usually reserved for long runs but Andy has an annual bike ride from Anaheim to Solana Beach, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, an Andyland event. It covers 80 miles, mostly along the coast and includes a ferry ride. I had to join the group and got a great 5 hour workout in Saturday.

I am in big time BASE TRAINING mode right now and this ride would be the perfect conclusion to the weekend before letting Sunday be my rest day. I could go easy and long. It would also be another good test for my back. The day could not have been nicer. The air was clean and cool. A perfect fall day in So. Cal, or for any place in the world. The day ended with celebratory tiny bubbles at Pizza Port before we boarded the Amtrack north back to Anaheim. Thanks Allen.

Andy Appreciates Allen’s Toughfulness, A Bottle of DP

Don’t forget your cross training. Cycling is a perfect compliment for runners. It is a low impact exercise that you can work similar cadences to your running. You can have long, sustained efforts at sub-maximal heart rates and it is fun. So, next time you are looking for that cross training exercise that is great in a group or alone, jump on a bike. You may even find a new running route if you ride around your neighborhood.

Train Focused, Steve Mackel, USA Triathlon Coach


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