Getting fit after the holidays

I have to admit a little secret.

I did some overindulging over the holidays. I can’t help it. Everywhere I go, there is food, food, and even more food: crab appetizers, chicken sticks, pastries, turkey, stuffing, candy, chocolate cookies, eggnog, tamales, the list goes on and on.

Add to that a few drinks. And other late night revelry.
This morning I looked at my running outfit and said…enough gluttony!

It’s time to start training again. Steve Mackel and I trained over 200 people this last summer for the Long Beach Marathon. We had the largest ChiRunning® marathon group in the country. We ran far longer distances than other running groups in preparation. And all injury free.

I was skinny, and fast. Did the marathon in 3:32 despite only running three times a week. Not a single injury at all.

But I’ve let that slip a little. I typically take quite some down time after a marathon. I really think it’s important to rest your body.

So now, its that time of year to put a new race on the books. A new challenge for my running. And Catalina is calling.

I want to run the Catalina Marathon. So tonight I will put in on the Calendar. Then figure out what I need to run every weekend to prepare. Then put together a weekly training schedule. Then stick to it.

Started this morning. Ran to White Point in San Pedro. Ran down to the ocean. Stood on the point and felt the energy of the ocean flowing through me. Saw some strange birds, watched surfers, said a prayer, and just felt good to be alive.

Good to be back training. Running, walking, and eating a little lighter for the planet.

Happy New Years Everyone



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