Lights Out – Earth Hour – Tonight
Earth Hour is under way on the other side of our planet.
Earth Hour was started in Sydney, Australia in 2007. is supporting this new Global effort to lighten our carbon footprint. Tonight between 8:30 – 9:30 PM we are encouraged to power down our houses. That’s right, lights out. And after you do it, go outside and take a look at the sky.
I love living in So Cal except we are such a large expanse of land and people, and there are so many lights it is difficult to get a good look at all the stars in the sky. Tonight maybe the one night (hour) you can see more stars up there, stars you can only see once you leave the area.
What else can you do? Go to and sign-up to support this action. You can replace your light bulbs with those new florescent bulbs, ride your bike instead of your car more often (who can afford gas now days). Run or walk to the market.
Please tell a friend to join us ers in doing something that can make a difference for our children’s children.
See you tonight, or may I won’t.
Power down focused,
Steve Mackel, World Citizen