Rose Parade Bandit Run 2012 MONDAY, JAN 2, Information – 2011 Video
This will be’s first annual Rose Parade Bandit Run (Details Below the Video). There is nothing official about it. This is not a formal event. There is no entry fee, no medal, no shirt, nothing but fun at your own risk. Plan and Remember, the Rose Parade is never on a Sunday, it’s tradition, so we are meeting on Monday, January 2, 2012 at 4:45 AM.
I did it for the first time last year and it was a blast. This year being 2012, an ominous year, is the year to make sure you do it. You can check it off your bucket list and if you are into parades you can hang around and watch the parade after you finish your run and maybe, a little breakfast.
Last year, after a late night partying, I set my alarm clock but it didn’t go off. My internal alarm clock woke me up about 20 minutes late. I knew I missed the group of runners I had planed on doing this with. I rolled in bed thinking a warm bed was better than a cold morning outside. The runner in me wouldn’t let me sleep. It was difficult but I got in my car, parked and did it on my own, figuring I find them somewhere on Colorado Blvd.
Well, I never found my group but I found a lot of other fun, interesting people and sights. Once again the details are below the video if you want to join us.
This is an unofficial 11 mile run that starts at the Starbucks, 3429 East Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. There are many FREE parking spaces available at the Sierra Madre train station, which is across the street.
This run basically starts at the end of the Rose Parade route, goes to the beginning, where the floats are.
I will be getting to Starbucks around 4:45 AM Depending on your speed you should plan on leaving between 4:50 – 5:15 AM to make it to the beginning of the parade around 6 am. Groups will be leaving about every 5 minutes. Since it is about 5.5 miles you can do the math but if we all get up to the beginning by 6 – 6:10 AM it will give us 45 minutes to walk around and check out the floats. Since we have many runners doing this, that run different paces, we will meet on the bridge at Colorado and St. John in the middle of the street around 6 AM. I will bring my phone and give people my number so we don’t get lost in the sea of humanity and find each other. The parade starts at 8 AM but we need to start running back around 7:15 AM. If we leave too late we will get thrown off the route.
It was cold last year so you need to dress appropriately. You much bring a hydration system or a bottle of water and money for warm drinks or goodies afterwards. Email Coach Steve if you want to join me or have questions.
Parade Focused, Steve Mackel – co-founder, since 2006