Trail Running and Yoga for Runners – Tonight, Thursday at 6:30 PM
Scenes From Last Year’s Thursday Nights
Only three more left, Thursdays Trail Running at 6:30 PM and Yoga for Runners at 7:15 PM. One of the best Summer group workout in the area
We meet at the Picnic Area just South of the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center, Click here for directions
Don’t miss it. It is almost over. I am leading a combination workout that will benefit all athletes. The trail run is on the Arroyo trail down to South Pasadena, over the bridge, back up the other side to the archery range, then back to the grassy area. We’ll finish with my special Yoga for Runners class.
This workout is appropriate for all levels of athletes, from beginners to advanced as long as you go your speed. The trail run is 4 miles or 40 minutes whichever comes first meaning, slower runners head back after running 20 minutes out, no matter where they are on the course. This trail is downhill on the way out and uphill on the way back. You’ll get a good run in and can focus on your second half strength since it is uphill. Yoga for Runners is a non-traditional yoga class that combines strength and flexibility. We focus on core strength along with flexibility. This part of the training is 45 minutes and we are usually done by 8 PM.
My Thursday Workout Purpose: I am a believer in understanding the purpose of each workout. In fact, I am surprised how few people talk about workout intensity because every workout should not be high intensity but some should. You need to vary the intensity of your weekly training to make your greatest gains. With that said, I created this workout as a high intensity workout. Many of your high intensity workouts will be shorter. I use the 4 mile loop as an above race pace tempo run or sometimes as an all-out 30 minute effort. I’ll be wearing my Heart Rate Monitor too. We follow this with a Yoga for Runners class emphasizing strength building.
I ask all the athletes I work with to really learn to listen to their bodies. This is a primary tenant of yoga.
When you increase intensity, you increase the chance for injury. Pay close attention, find your edge and know when you need to back-off.
If you already have a bunch of high-intensity workouts take it easy with us on Thursdays. Every workout is your own, do what’s right for you.
If you are new to yoga, Yoga for Runners was created with beginners in mind. I will discuss form in detail and how it can improve your running, biking and swimming. You go according to your ability level.
What do you need to bring? Running clothes, sweats (in case it cools down) and a yoga mat or a towel. We do the yoga on grass so I just use a towel for our seated poses. I like to be barefoot on the grass.
I recommend you do the entire workout yet many just show up for the yoga, while some just join us for the run.
Cost: I am asking that you consider making a donation after the training. I’ll bring a box that you can give what you like. I think somewhere between $3 – $10 is fair and it is up to you. I will take 25% of whatever I make each week and donate it to a local charity.
Train Focused, Steve Mackel – Yogi in Training