Other Fun Free Events – Incendio at Levitt Pavilion Saturday Night, July 12, in Pasadena
Not to be missed – Free Incendio Concert at the Levitt Pavilion in Pasadena at 8 PM. Incendio is an acclaimed world-guitar-fusion trio. I’ve seen them and they are incredible. So you can look for me there Saturday night and join my party. Levitt Pavilion is in the park on the corner of Walnut and Raymond.
For a sample check out their web site at: Listen to a sample of Incendio’s music.
Ok, it is not running but I’ll always plug cool free events like my Thursday night Trail Run and “Yoga for Runners” at the SE end of parking lot I on the grass starting at 6:30 PM for the run and yoga at 7:15 PM. Come for both or either, it is your choice.
This show is outdoors and you’ll probably be sitting on grass. You probably need to sneak in some wine, or there is a wine bar across the street but blankets and picnic are perfect for this beautiful outdoor setting.
Listen Focused, Steve Mackel – Bassist
Pacific Open Water Challenge ’08 – Post Race Interviews
I had just finished a 1 mile swim (that was longer than a mile), threw on my running shoes and hit the bike path and ran a 5k. Boy, I was tired after that swim and it showed in my run time. I still managed a podium spot but it is more about the finishing without a lot of specific training. Just training with the Beach Runners got me through
It was a great event, one to put on your calendar for next June. Watch this video. Comments welcome!
Race Focused, Steve Mackel USA Triathlon Coach
Study shows value of food diary in losing weight – Yahoo! News
Keeping a food diary — a detailed account of what you eat and drink and the calories it packs — is a powerful tool in helping people lose weight, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.
Study shows value of food diary in losing weight – Yahoo! News
Why is this so?
My theory is that is an example of the HAWTHORNE EFFECT.
The idea here is that we will improve things that we track.
In other words, if you are keeping track of what you eat…you will naturally begin to make better food choices.
Or if you track your workouts…you will begin to make small improvements.
That’s why Steve and I have included TRACKING as part of our MARATHON TRAINING program.
You keep track of how you felt on every run or walk. That way you will ALWAYS improve.
You can learn more about our online marathon training program by visiting here…
The ChiRunning River
“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond…” Rumi
About four years ago I sat in my room crosslegged meditating.
Listening to a whirling dervish trance musical spin into the unconscious.
And this sense of direction of came into me…a simple tugging…a calling for my future.
I picked up the phone as I opened my eyes and called Danny Dreyer of ChiRunning.
And told him I wanted to be a ChiRunning instructor.
He didn’t think the meditation vision was weird either. Cool. My kind of teacher.
The training was in Manhattan Beach…if it was anywhere outside of Los Angeles…I don’t think I’d have even attended.
Then after the first session…we were all partnered up to teach the script.
My first partner was Steve Mackel. He shared how he needed some help setting up a ChiRunning marathon group in Long Beach.
Somehow the topic of Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill came up.
That book has guided me like many entrepreneurs through our lives.
There’s this real cool concept in there of the Mastermind Principle. The idea works like this…when a group of people get together with a common purpose of helping one another…a third energy is created.
Like another ‘mind’…maybe the presence of God…maybe the frequencies coming together…whatever it is…it is more powerful than us individually. Great empires and business have been built with partnerships, mentors, teachers…a combination of people.
So super successful people put themselves in this Mastermind energy. Because they know the power of it.
The success of Beach Runners has been through this Mastermind principle. Through the combination of a thousand conversations between Steve and I. Through the contribution of our long time mentors like Larry, Bob, Christy, Barb, and Janet and many others.
When we sit in prayer at the end of a yoga session I invite God to join us to protect us to guide us in health and safety across the finish line.
And through all of this…magic happens. Steve and I and Beach Runners have gotten over a thousand runners over the finish line of a marathon or half marathon.
We’ve coached hundreds of people at our ChiRunning workshops.
You’re all part of a lineage of teaching that comes down not just from us but from our teachers…Danny, Steve Ilg, Rosie Good, Eben Pagen, Desikachar, Josh Waitzkin so many to mention.
You would all freak out if you saw what Steve and I spend on OUR EDUCATION every year.
We know that every dollar we spend goes back to our people our tribe. It helps people like you cross the finish line. It helps us use a system of training that makes running easy and safe.
Our teachers have taught us to teach yoga to all of you. Yoga is over 6,000 years old. It is our honor and pleasure to share this with all of you.
I haven’t been writing much lately…for I have been studying from a new teacher.
But now it is time. Time to share these ideas…these discoveries.
I teach through this blog, through Beach Runners, but also at my trail run and yoga class
Please come. You’ll learn some fantastic things and you will grow.
God Bless
Trail Run, Yoga, Party, Real Fireworks Tonight
Last week’s crew for our Yoga for Runners and Trail Run
In the 3rd of July tradition, tonight is a workout followed by a party and fireworks. It starts with a 40 minute trail run, 30 minute “Yoga for Runners,” a patriotic party in Altadena and a real fireworks show (the best kept secret in the Pasadena area).
We will meet at the grass area just south of the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center – parking lot I.
The Run starts at 6:30 PM, the Yoga will start at 7:15 and finish tonight around 7:50 PM. If you can’t make the run come for the yoga at 7:15 PM. At that time I will expose the fireworks party and the fireworks start at 9:15 PM.
Party requirements – bring something you like to drink. Some good food will be provided. I am packing my party clothes in my car, picking up my girlfriend then heading over to the party. Friends and kids are welcome.
Now for the legal stuff:
This workout and party is free and open to anyone (all levels welcome).
You need to bring: Everything you would when going out for a run, water, yoga mat or towel, something warm as it tends to cool down towards the end of yoga.
You as always are responsible for yourself. Run, yoga, party, watch a fireworks show responsibly
Train Focused,
Steve Mackel, USA Triathlon Coach