20 Questions to "Assess 2010 and Plan for 2011"
Dianne leads the Sole Runners in Newbury Park and runs annually in the Catalina Marathon. This photo taken from the Catalina Marathon 2009 Video
Thanks to Sole Runners Mentor Dianne for providing this list to “Assess 2010 and Plan for 2011”
1. Most valuable lesson from 2010?
2. How will you apply that lesson in 2011?
3. If you could go back to the beginning of 2010 and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
4. If the future you from the end of 2011 were to come back in time now to give you a piece of advice for next year, what would it be?
5. How will you apply the advice from questions 3 and 4 in 2011?
6. Who are the people who had the greatest impact on your life in 2010?
7. Who are the people YOU had the greatest impact on in 2010?
8. Who are the people you intend to have a powerful positive impact on in 2011?
9. What was your greatest experience in 2010?
10. What would you like your greatest experience in 2011 to be?
11. What unexpected gifts or blessings did you receive in 2010?
12. Where did you push your comfort zone in 2010?
13. Where will you push your comfort zone in 2011?
14. Top 3 achievements in 2010?
15. If you were to start a quest and change the world in some way in 2011, what would that look like?
16. What’s one of your greatest strengths and how will you use it in 2011?
17. What’s one of your most challenging weaknesses and how will you get help overcoming it in 2011?
18. Top 3 goals for 2011?
19. For each of your 2011 goals, what benchmark would you like to reach in the next month?
20. What structures will you put into place in 2011 to make sure you follow through on your plans and reach your benchmarks? Who will you ask for support from in 2011?
Train Focused, Steve Mackel, Certified Hypnotherapist